Say it with me, ‘I am SINGLE!’ Now breath. Being single is not a detriment, it’s a GIFT. “God Intentionally Formed Time.” ~ A. White It is my sincere pleasure to walk you through the process of 1. Finding endurance in your single season and 2. Understanding that your season is a Gift. Your gift is wrapped so preciously because God intentionally formed time to do so. To confidently walk you through this process, I must first tell my story. I will share my story as a testimony with hopes that it will empower and free you, so you can endure in this season. -- I remember it like it were yesterday, it was the year 2014 when I finally committed my entire life back to Christ. It was the year of excitement and jubilee. It felt like a new birthing, a new beginning and a fresh start at life – it was. I had officially died to my old ways, habits, and pleasures to seek after new life. I remember having a burning passion, and I stopped at nothing to be engulfed in His presence. There were times where I would be up in the wee hours of the night just reading the Bible while in the comfort of my college dorm. I spent most of those nights in intercession for my family and close friends. It was during that time, where I developed the habit of “War Room” prayer. Before this, roughly around 2012-2013, I remember being in a space where I would freely give my body away to different men and "Randoms.” Giving myself away, soon left me feeling empty, lost, confused and desperate all in one. I needed saving. I soon learned that the void I was trying to fill would not come by man alone, but by the ultimate grace and love of the Father. During this process of learning how to allow the Lord to fill those voids, there were many stripping away that took place. It felt as if the Lord, was removing my entire world. Many friends that I once had were gone, the events and pleasures I once participated in ceased, and I no longer craved the same culture I once had. God stripped away and removed the desires that did not resemble Him, I would be lying if I said it felt amazing. It hurt, there were many nights where I cried, and felt alone, I was frustrated and even slipped into a moment of depression. However, that time in 2013 was needed! It was mandatory that God removed certain aspects of my life, though it hurt. When God's separation that took place, it created time and space so I could be set apart. There will be times where God will separate you from your old. He’ll separate you from old friends, old habits and old thinking to set you apart from the world and give you a new life. It's during that separation where the Lord will birth new desires in your heart and soul. In return, He'll also align your steps with divine connections. At times these divine connections could be in the form of people planting seeds in your life, pouring into you while complementing your spiritual growth, and the acquisition of new friends. For me, aligning my steps meant that I would learn what it means to cherish your body, and what it looks like to have a man of God to love and cherish you for the G.I.F.T that you are. However, the journey to knowing and understanding that I am a GIFT took some time to realize. I thought, that since I have committed my life back to Christ and I was doing all ‘Christlike’ things that my husband would appear when I snapped my fingers. I later learned that I needed help enduring in my single season. The journey towards endurance took some time, or should I say, it’s taking some time. Truth be told, while I made tremendous progress in the endurance phase, it's still progress – daily progress at that. Many things have helped and are continuously helping me as I endure. In the next blog, Owning Your G.I.F.T, I share three points with you in hopes that you too will remain focused, know that you're a gift and to pursue purpose as you strive to endure this season.
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