Healing is your God-given birthright: Many acts in the Bible highlight Jesus' healing powers. If you take notice, almost all healing miracles are done through faith. Ex. Mark 5:25-32 highlights an event where a woman had a flow of blood for twelve years. In her strength, she tried everything for the sake of being cured. However, nothing seemed to work. Knowing that Jesus was in town, she dared to touch him. The woman with an issue of blood touched his garment and was healed immediately. Wow, what kind of faith? Jesus, knowing that virtue left His body, that is, the virtue that can only come from desperate faith – asked who touched Him. The woman admitted that in her desperation, she touched Him. Jesus' responded, "daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace and be healed of your affliction.” This healing was a result of the faith-based desperation that produced the fruit of healing. When you're desperate for healing, whether from affliction mentally or physically, you birth faith. That faith is the key that will unlock the grippingly affects of whatever is tormenting you. However, resilience must match your desperation. Let’s examine this woman closely Much like you and me, this woman has a need that she’s longing to be answered. She went twelve long years enduring this dreadful pain that ultimately deemed her unclean and in the state of isolation (see Leviticus 15:19-25). God desires to heal you of your infirmities. You must act on that truth. You must meditate on that truth. To act on that truth is to defy the odds respectfully. According to the law of her age, this woman with such infirmities should not be among people, let alone touching the hem of a King. It was unlawful and unrulily. According to the law, she ought to be kept away until the completion of her infirmities. In other words, until 7 days after the end of her cycle. Her desperation of faith told her otherwise. She broke the law and considered the grace of God. In pursuit of healing, her faith not only moved mountains, but it also tore mountain and barriers that would have prevented her from obtaining her God-given right of healing. Her act of faith in concordance to the meditation of faith produced her healing. To meditate on the truth that God desires to heal you of your infirmities relies on your resiliency. In the text, it states that the woman tried everything. She sought after the best physicians, google was her best friend, and she was determined to get to the bottom of her infirmities. However, despite her determination, her search was futile. Nothing worked. Today, millions of us have our heart set on a desire, only to be let down due to rejection, opposition or the inability to see the fruits of your labor or promises. As a result, this causes you to lose hope, and give up the faith that once fueled you. Not this lady. She was determined to end her 12-year quest. No amount of no's, rejection, or sorry no cure was going to deter her from her faith knowing that healing is her God-given birthright. Her resiliency caused Christ to have compassion for her which produced her healing. -- Use this woman with the flow of blood as an example. Complete and total healing is yours! It is your God-given birthright. Now, there are some cases where God will use whatever infirmity you're dealing with for His glory. In this case, physical healing may not be present but spiritual healing is inevitable. However, the same amount of action and resiliency is desired from you. God wants to know how bad you want your healing? Are you willing to fight past 12 long years of rejections? Are you ready to push past crowds of opposition? Are you willing to reject the common law and hold firmly to God's promises? This God-sized resilience and desperate faith are what God is looking for in His body of believers. -- Healing is at the forefront of God’s heart when it comes to His children. Therefore, I’ve composed a few examples of prayers that will lead you into healing. Feel free to tweak it according to your desires or your personal needs! Prayers for healing: 1. Heavenly Father, King of Host, Lord of lords, all-powerful Lord of mine. God, in Jesus name, I thank you for what you have done and what you will do in my life. Lord as your child, I am humbly coming to you in full faith asking that you heal my mind. Lord, give me a peace of mind knowing that all things are under your control. Father heal me of any mental illness known and unbeknown to me. Father, you are my peace. By faith I receive my God-given birthright of healing, in Jesus's name, I do pray, Amen. 2. Lord God, in Jesus Name, Father I humbly come before as my Lord and the healer of all. Lord, by faith I know there is nothing too hard for you, so Father, right now, in your Son's name I ask for complete and total healing and restoration of my heart and spirit. Father heal me of all open wounds. Fill me with your loving Spirit and make me whole within. In Jesus name, by faith, I receive my healing. Amen. 3. Father God in Jesus name, I thank you for healing my body. Lord, I thank you for giving me authority over unclean spirits. Father, I thank you for the power to rebuke the strongholds of all disease and afflictions that have tormented my loved ones and me. By faith, I believe your Word concerning the power of healing. Lord, I also believe that your authority for healing rest in me and is for me. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen. Now, if you said this prayer and you believe by faith without a shadow of a doubt, healing is for you. Remain watchful and expect the move of God to hit your life. It's by faith! Tune into the next blogs as we continue with faith that produces. Until next time, Stay Bless, Stress Less read your Bible! -- Armani W. I’m your sister in Christ, walking with you to empower and impart! Take care! Click HERE to subscribe to Rise Ministry, Inc. Click HERE to purchase your copy of "You're More Than Enough."
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