As of late, I’ve been meditating on Jeremiah 1:5. This is such a familiar verse and frequently quoted. However, just recently, my eyes caught something that settled within my soul, I would like to share such with you. The scripture of reference goes like this… “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” I could stop here, but I would like to take it a bit further with the next few verses as the young prophet Jeremiah and God shares a few more words. As I read these few verses, I couldn’t help but notice a few things.
Jeremiah Panicked As God was declaring over Jeremiah in verse 5, God identified Jeremiah. God told Jeremiah that He knew him before he was ever conceived. The meaning of ‘knew’ in this context is one that has experienced the fullness or completeness of something or someone from beginning to end. In this case, God experienced the fullness of Jeremiah’s life before he was born. Which means, before His parents thought about children, God knew their child. God knew the plans He had for Jeremiah before he took his first breath. He knew what troubles he would face, and He knew his success rate and He knew what gifts and blessing he would have. God knew Jeremiah before there was ever a Jeremiah! Now – let that sink in, God knew (as in past tense) you to your entire life, you’re no surprise to GOD. However, it seemed as if this declaration frightened Jeremiah. In the following verse, it shows a rebuttal from the young prophet. ‘But Lord, I am a youth.' The detail of Jeremiah's identity made him panic before God could even share with him, his assignment. Initially, it was not the assignment that frightened Jeremiah, it was his own appearance that made him shiver and shrink down to an image less than what God called him. He settled with being a youth. There are times where God calls us by our name, and instantly we believe it’s our mission. When it comes to terms such as; prophet, ordained, nations – though it sounds like missions, they are titles, not instructions nor assignments. Yes, God called you a prophet, He ordained you, and He placed you over nations, but for what? As a prophet what is your role for being ordained to the nations?? This, my friend, is what we must rest and wait for. Let's not get anxious from a title, but rather wait for an assignment. God Rebuked him As we see in the responding scripture, God met Jeremiah’s anxiety with a rebuke. Don't say ‘I am a youth,' The Lord's immediate rebuke was so necessary for Jeremiah's future. As a Father, God knows that His children will become intimidated and even clingy during the process of being weaned. Therefore, God rebuked him, before any more complaints or excuses could form in Jeremiah’s mouth. It’s understandable that one may become anxious from the revelation of their title. It’s also common to be overwhelmed with a mix of emotions from excitement, to being afraid and unsure. However, through your anxiousness, it's essential that you allow God to prepare you for the journey that lies ahead. This preparation may be in the form of resting and allowing The Lord to assure you, which may also mean rebuke and chastisement. After all, whom he loves He chastens, and that's okay. When God rebuked Jeremiah, He did so to affirm him as an individual so that he'll be equipped for his mission. When God rebukes you, He intends to correct you. Now ask yourself, are you calling yourself a youth, when God predestined you a prophet? God Confirmed Him Now, I know you’ve been there at some point or another, got mad hype (in my New York voice) when you get a prophetic word that began with ‘you shall.’ It’s amazing because those prophecies propel almost everyone. Nine times out of ten, these decrees confirm what God already told you in your private time with Him. However, somewhere down the line, like Jeremiah, you may have lost hope in what you heard God said. Therefore, He confirms you. Confirming words are to prepare you for when He ordains or in other words commissions or sends you out. God wants you to be completely sure in what He said and where He’s taking you. This prevents wavering and going along with every title and position that man places on you. God Ordained Him When God Ordains you, He gives you everything you need to complete your mission confidently. With Jeremiah, He first identified him as an individual and called him His own. You may be in a season of your life where God is pouring His love over you and showing you that you are His child. This is needed so that your foundation is firm. Next, He’ll correct you of any faults. This will require pruning and many test and trials. He desires to sanctify and purify you of anything that may corrupt what God has placed in you. And, of course, like school, once you’ve successfully passed all required test, He’ll confirm to prepare and ordain you for your mission that lies ahead. -- On behalf of Rise Ministry, Inc. Until next time, Stay Blessed, Stress Less, Read your Bible Click HERE to Subscribe to Rise Ministry, Inc. Click HERE to purchase your copy of "You're More Than Enough."
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