Intercessors' Guide (Audio Prayers)
- Pray as the Lord leads
- Use the prayer request as a point and guide. However, if the Lord lays additional things on your heart, pray it.
- Feel free to speak in tongues prior so that you are being led by the Holy Spirit.
- Record your prayer using your recorder on your cell phone or computer (Audio only. You do not need to show your face).
- pray anywhere between 2-5 minutes. If longer, all is well (Last week I had my longest prayer at 18 min ). You do not have to go that long at all.
- Once you are finished with your prayer, email me the audio file. I will email your prayer to the person you prayed for.
- All prayers are confidential and can be discussed among all Intercessors who are interceding with Rise Ministry, Inc.
- You will receive a recorder within a few weeks. the recorder will allow you to freely record on the recording device instead of your cellphone or computer. But in the meantime, use what works best for you.
- Please pray at your own time BUT, send your prayers within 2 days of receiving the request.
- At any time you are free to either no longer intercede with us or pause your intercession. Just let me know in advance.
- FINALLY, Below if your prayer request. Thank you for your Intercession